Thursday, July 15, 2010

Day 3 - What are the various shapes of Cloud?

In real life, there are different types of clouds and each type signifies different progression of cloud formation. In Cloud Computing platform, there are a number of different offerings: • IaaS - Infrastructure as a Service • PaaS - Platform as a Service • SaaS - Software as a Service • StaaS - Storage as a Service and many others as the industry evolves So, who are the major players in this Arena? You got it right -, Google, Microsoft,, VMware, Redhat, Ubuntu, etc.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Day One - What is Cloud Computing??

You would have heard the latest IT Buzz Word called "Cloud Computing", does it mean that we can put our computers in the cloud?

Sure not, at least for the next 30 years, until we can draw sufficient solar/wind power in the sky to power the nano-computers, storage and the new Internet.

So, what is Cloud Computing actually? It is a term to describe the use of flexible computing resources, typically, provided by an external vendor such as Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google,, etc.

For the traditional IT data centers, there are many vendors supplying server virtualization solutions such as VMware vSphere 4, Microsoft Hyper-V R2, Redhat Enterprise Virtualization, Linux Xen, etc.

There are many layers in Cloud Computing, once you peel them open, you will discover there are other new terminology such as IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, XaaS and on and on...

Guess its enough for Day 1 of buzz words and new terminologies....